tirsdag den 6. august 2013

Open Inspiration about crowdsourcing at Scion DTU on August 29th

Have you ever had a technical or a product development challenge where you would like to have had several solutions to choose from? What if the solutions were innovative and opened up opportunities you had not even thought of? Crowdsourcing gives you all this and more!
Scion DTU has invited Thomas J. Howard from DTU Mechanical Engineering to talk about Open Source Design and its benefits to high-tech companies. Steven Drew, Business Development Director for Scandinavia from InnoCentive will talk about how they manage the power of the crowd and thereby provide innovative solutions fast and finally, Allan Berg from Axcon will talk about how they turn crowd sourced components into crowd developed products.

14:30-15:00 Registration
15.00-15.30 Open Source Design
Thomas J. Howard, Associate Professor at DTU
15.30-16.00 Crowdsourcing exemplified
Steven Drew, Business Development Director
for Scandinavia at InnoCentive
16.00-16.20 Getting products out of the crowd
Allan Berg, Sales Director at Axcon
16.20- Networking and snacks

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